Jumat, 14 November 2008

Knowing the Temperature Requirements of Exotic Pets

So, you want to get an exotic pet, huh? Maybe you are tired of your regular dog and your good old cat. Maybe the bird joyfully chirping outside your window isn't good enough for you anymore.

You want more challenge and adventure, as a pet owner. You want to take on the challenge of taking care of exotic animals as pets. Yes, exotic animals like skunks, spiders, and snakes.

But before you do just that, you have to know the proper condition of the type of exotic pet you intend to take care of. Mostly, exotic pets can't live in the same condition such as yours. You first have to know its habitat temperature requirements.

For starters, try to research things about the pet and the particular species that you want. From where do these animals come from? Do they come from cold countries like Antarctica? Or hot ones like Kenya and South Africa?

The room temperature of the animals you intend to take care of should be maintained to match their natural habitat. If they are used to cold weather and you are in an equally cold country, like the U.S., then you should be fine. What about if they are used to a hot, humid place? That is going to be a problem, for sure.

If you intend to take care of an exotic pet that is used to weather not similar to yours, then the pets will definitely not survive long. The only thing that you can do is to set up a room and make its temperature akin to what the animal is used to.

Temperature is really important. So the next time you intend to take an oriental exotic animal to your relatively cold country, think twice. You might not be making a good decision. The pet you intend to take care of may not even last for a few days. It is just going to be a waste.

So the main thing here is, don't get exotic pets originating from relatively hot countries, unless you really wanted to go into great heights simulating their natural habitat for them. If you are fine with that, then you can go ahead and take care of that pet. But if that is simply too much of a hassle for you, then don’t do it. It may not be worth it.


How to Keep the Exotic Pet Happy?

There are many exotic pets that can be raised at home. Given the many possibilities, Michael decided to get something that didn't require that much maintenance. After examining what was available in the pet store, the decision came down to a toad named Ernie.

Ernie is known as an Oriental Fire Bellied Toad. The name is derived from its physical features, which can only be found in certain parts of Southeast Asia.

What is the key to make exotic animals like this toad happy? In simple words, tender loving care. Since this is easier said and done, here are some pointers;

1. The first will be to find an appropriate home for the pet. Since toads love the water, getting an aquarium will be best. This is because this is the most ideal environment resembling the swamp.

Water should only be filled between two to four inches from the bottom of the tank so that rocks can also be placed for the toad to get some warmth from artificial light or the sun.

The water should be dechlorinated for at least a day before putting the toad in. This is because the acidity could affect the health of the pet less than a day after it is brought home from the store.

2. The aquarium will get dirty after a few days. Part of the responsibility of owning a pet is cleaning up the mess. The owner can install a filter to suck dirt but changing the water is still the best way to make sure it is safe for the toad.

3. Toads love to eat worms, insects or small fishes. The owner can get these from the pet store and offer them on a regular basis dyed with multivitamins to make it always feel healthy and strong.

Toads don’t have to be fed daily. This should be done only two to three times a week since giving too much can make the pet overweight.

Exotic animals need a lot of attention just like having a dog or a cat. It will be a good idea to read up and do some research first instead of doing it through trial and error.

The average life span of this kind a toad is between 10 to 15 years. This just goes to show that with proper care, Michael can make Ernie happy and in return they will spend a long time together.


Food for Exotic Pets

Some people consider having an exotic pet as a companion in the home. This can be a bird, a snake, a spider or even a scorpion. Though some of these are venomous, proper care must be enforced to make sure such incidents don't happen.

Aside from making the home similar to the habitat of the pet, the most important thing is giving the right diet. If the animal is a frog, insects such as mosquitoes or flies, which are difficult to breed at home, can be purchased from the store.

Those who decide to have a snake at home will make the creature happy by feeding it a live mouse. If watching how the rodent dies sickens the individual, it can be killed and frozen then just warmed in hot water before giving it to the pet.

The reason the mouse should be placed in warm water first is because snakes won't eat anything cold. This is considered to be a waste of money since the creature will just spit it out after.

If the owner finds buying insects or mice expensive, it will be a good idea to raise them at home. This is very challenging but with proper care, this will surely save money in the long term.

The only risk this poses is the possibility that these might escape and do damage to the home. Some people who wanted to raise crickets gave up after realizing how inconvenient it was because of the noise.

The best advice is to perhaps only buy a sufficient number so that there wouldn’t be any problems caused by raising the exotic animal in the comforts of home. The animal lover can compare the price of the pet store and those offered online before making an order. The customer should keep in mind that some retailers give discounts for bulk orders.

Some exotic animals are herbivores. Instead of buying this from the supermarket or the pet store, the person can try planting these in the backyard. There might be too much for the pet to consume so some can also be used when preparing dishes at home.

There are many things needed to make sure the pet is well treated at home. Aside from taking this to the vet or providing adequate shelter, the best is still maintaining a proper diet to make sure it is always healthy and strong.


Choosing the Best Cage for Your Exotic Pet

When owning an exotic pet, the first thing you should consider is the cage. You should find the right materials when making a cage for your exotic pet. You may also find ready-made cages that have installed housing systems.

If you prefer buying a snake as your pet, you should prepare a cage that can suit the size and shape of your snake. The size of the cage may depend on the age of the snake. You should also consider the environmental living conditions of the snake.

You may also consider using aquarium tanks as your extra cage for snakes that are less than six to seven feet in length and are required to have swim breaks. For desert snakes, you may prepare a screen top cage to provide ventilation. Tropical snakes may need a cage that has a top raise cover screen to sustain average temperature.

Make sure that your cage has glass-based screens so that you can view your pet clearly. You won't have a hard time in cleaning glass aquariums. However, they are heavy since they are solid and should be placed on a steel stand. You may put solid round castors so that you can move it easily.

You may also find melamine cages that are easier to clean. They are perfect for bigger snakes since they are usually made with large space. It is designed to resist moisture. You can also find plastic-made rubber tubs that are used as breeding cages. This will also serve as your secondary cage in case you need to clean or repair your primary cage.

If you can't afford these kinds of cages, you may have the option of using plywood made cages that are cheaper and easier to find. You can create your own design using good grades of plywood, which can give you a nice finish to your snake cage.

For those snake owners who make their own cages, they always prefer using plywood and melamine crafts since they provide the cage with good insulating properties.

Cages made from glass may have the tendency to lose heat fast especially on its front portion. You may also find a hard time working on glass cages since you will need special tools for cutting edges and portions of the glass.

Always keep in mind that your cage should provide security for your snake as well as to smaller kids. Make sure that you find the right place in your house where you will place the cage. Your cage should provide the same environmental conditions that your exotic pet needs in order to survive.


Care Tips for Your Exotic Pet Turtle

exotic pets picture

You should be a responsible pet owner if you intend on having exotic pets. You should personally consider your lifestyle in finding the perfect exotic pet. You should be committed as an owner in providing the needs of your exotic pet in order to survive.

There are exotic pets that may need special treatment. You may find exotic pets that may be required to eat large amounts of meat and could be a threat to your kids when they are fully-grown. Large exotic pets can be really challenging to care for compared to a parrot or a turtle which are easier to grow and breed. If you consider owning a turtle, here are some tips on how you can properly take care of your turtle.

1. Turtles need the right temperature in order to live. You should maintain a 77 to 96 degrees F temperature on the aquarium. You may install an aquarium heater to provide the needed temperature for your turtle. Turtles tend to become sluggish and lose their appetite when the temperature is low.

2. You should keep your aquarium clean. Prevent the aquarium from becoming too soiled. In this way, you will keep your turtle away from health problems. You may use a filtration system to maintain clear and clean water.

3. Supply your turtle with sufficient food such as algae, crustaceans, mouse pups, and small fishes. You may also provide food sources like fruits and green vegetables that are best for terrapins.

4. You may feed turtles two to three times a week. You may use a small holding container that will separate the left over from the normal enclosure of the aquarium.

5. You should always clean the whole aquarium and its filtration system at least twice a month. Remove the dirt from the ponds where in most of the time serves as the resting place of your turtle.

6. 75 percent of water in the aquarium for swimming and the remaining space for your turtle’s basking. Basking is essential for turtles because it prevents shell dryness.

7. You may schedule a regular check up with your community veterinarian who specializes in turtles and other reptiles.

Being an exotic pet owner requires a lot of responsibility. You should always assess yourself if you can really provide care for an exotic pet. You should plan very well so that you can prepare properly once you have decided to own exotic.


Basics of Exotic Pet Monkey Care

Exotic animals, like monkeys, may indeed be attractive as pets but such is certainly in violation of the animals’ natural living condition. As early as days or even hours after they are born, they are already separated from their mothers which is both unusual and unhealthy.

The monkeys are deprived of the opportunity to develop the way they are predisposed. This further adds up to the many factors that you have to take into consideration when taking care of them.

Separated from its mother, an exotic pet monkey may manifest signs of depression and other symptoms of psychological maladjustment. Thus, it may not immediately appreciate the traditional methods of caring for pets and may long for what it was supposed to have experienced in his natural living environment.

As an exotic pet owner, then, you must create an atmosphere that closely depicts such conditions. You must aim to respond to both physical and psychological needs. The only way to be aware of these needs is to gather information and observe at the very start, taking note of typical behaviors and responses.

An unsuitable cage may worsen its psychological distress and cause further behaviour problems. Its living area must be secure and spacious. It would even be better if you can provide a companion of the same specie.

In general, the area must be representative enough of nature. Modern habitats such as those commonly sold in pet shops are obviously inappropriate especially during younger years.

An exotic pet monkey, likewise, has specialized needs for food and nutrients. Diet may depend on the breed but should generally include protein-rich foods. Flowers, fruits, vegetables, insects, bugs, grasshoppers, and nuts are some other possible treats.

Unlike domestic cats and dogs, an exotic pet monkey has a greater tendency of being a carrier of diseases that may be passed on to humans. As such, ensure that it is regularly seen by a veterinarian specializing in exotic animals and is given the necessary vaccines.

However, such services may be difficult to find and may be expensive as very few actually focus on it. Just the same, though, it is still a major requirement as it protects both your pet and yourself.

Caring for an exotic animal indeed involves commitment. Keep in mind that the lifespan of these types of animals are usually longer than that of the usual pets.

Thus, before embarking on this responsibility, make sure that you are ready to face and respond to their needs and are capable of sustaining such devoted attitude. Otherwise, it would be best to leave them to nature’s care.


Guide To Caring for An Exotic Pet Snake

Having exotic snakes as pets is becoming common nowadays. This is primarily because many people who have been taking care of one assert that snakes are actually tame, contrary to popular belief.

In spite of this, snakes remain to be not for everyone as care is quite complex. Just like in the case of having other types of exotic animals, commitment is very essential. Thus, prior to acquiring one, it is best to have the right information about them such as behavioral characteristics, dietary and habitat requirements, and other pertinent details. Only after which should you decide if you really are capable of having one.

Several species of exotic snakes may be considered as pets but the most common are garter snakes and pythons. For first-time owners, corn snakes, king snakes, and ball pythons are, in fact, most suitable as these are gentle and not very sensitive to food and the type of habitat they are in.

On the other hand, if you are a beginner, don't think about acquiring Burmese pythons, red-tailed boas, tree boas or pythons, water snakes, anacondas, reticulated pythons and other wild snakes as they can really be dangerous especially when not handled properly. A rash approach affects their temperament negatively.

The appropriate diet and living area vary with different species. Generally, though, in creating an artificial environment for them, take note of security as they tend to get out of any enclosure. Check for gaps and the strength of the habitat itself.

Otherwise, you shall be putting others in danger as well as incurring liabilities. Also, check if there is enough space for them to move around. The size of the space must correspond well to the size of your pet.

As all snakes are carnivorous, mice and rats are the best food for them. It is better to give them pre-killed ones so as to protect them from possible injuries caused by their prey when alive.

This especially happens when the prey is given to them while they are not yet hungry and unwilling to attack. On your part, it would likewise be more convenient to have these killed rodents in a freezer than keep another habitat just for them.

Animal care, no matter what you choose as your pet, has indeed never been easy. For pet snakes, your responsibility doesn't end when you have chosen the species. It is actually just the beginning of a long-term complex relationship.


A Guide on Comparing Retail Prices for Exotic Pets

When selecting your exotic pet, you have to make sure that exotic doesn't equate with overpriced! Checking out some websites online which specialize in comparing retail prices of the exotic pet you intend to buy is one good way to start a proper canvassing. Make sure that the said website is a legitimate source.

Actually, you can save more money if you know someone who breeds the exotic pet. Of course, to find an exotic pet breeder may be more exotic than the pet itself! But if you do find one in your network, you are in luck! That person will also help you in long-term maintenance of the exotic pet—something not all stores can guarantee for your pet’s lifetime!

When you compare retail prices, you have to check everything, including transportation allowance. You might find a cheaper ferret in a place that is geographically farther in your area. Transporting the said exotic pet when you buy it from there might even be more expensive than if you purchase the pet from within your area at a slightly higher buying price.

Make sure you have visited at least five stores selling the specific exotic pet you intend to buy before you decide to buy. Having less than five and then making your decision from there doesn't constitute good canvassing. Make sure you have exhausted all possible means to compare prices. This is tedious work, but it will really save you more money in the long run.

Also, as you canvass, make the initial research on what are the indicators of good health of your exotic pet of choice, and seek to check them along with the retail prices. For example, one store would be selling you the pet at a higher price, but you would see that the pets there are in much better shape than in the other store which sells them at a lower price. From here you can take cues that the pet is already well-fed and is less likely to be aggressive and dangerous.

Another thing to consider is the legality of the said exotic pet in your area. If it is illegal, you might be coughing up more bills just to keep the care for the animal in wraps. There are some states which don’t allow certain species of exotic pets, and with good reason. You can never underestimate the ability of these exotic pets to incite more danger to the people within the area.


Choosing the Best Exotic Pet For You

Pets are normal parts of people’s lives, it isn't at all unusual for a person to have a dog, a cat, a bird, a fish, or even a frog at home. However, some people aren't content with just having these common domesticated animals as pets.

Some want to have more exciting companions at home, and thus, there are people who choose to have an exotic pet instead. While having an exotic pet can be quite rewarding, choosing the best exotic pet for you can be very confusing.

Here are some tips that may help you find the best exotic pet for you and your family.

When choosing an exotic pet, it is important to know the reasons for owning one and the responsibilities needed for keeping one. It is wise not to be swayed by impulse. One should have a good knowledge of a particular kind of pet before buying, else, the purchase or adoption could end in disastrous results. You should know what your motivation is to choose and exotic pet, because it involves a continuous commitment.

The best exotic pet for you is one that is legal. You would not be able to keep it, in a long term, if it is illegal in your area. You might get away for the time being, but eventually, you could get caught and face the dreaded consequences.

You should also consider an exotic pet’s adult size. A critter may be cute by the time you bring it home, but you might not be aware that it would grow into a giant in a few years’ time. Be sure that you have enough space for you exotic pet to live in by the time it reaches its full growth.

It is important to know the sociability of a particular exotic pet and to match it to your preference to find the best one to keep. You should know whether you want a pet that needs much of your attention or one that would best live if left alone in its dwelling.

You must also have in mind the expenses needed in maintaining the exotic pet. A good pet would not be your pet for long if you don't have enough money to feed it and take care of it. This could even be truer with exotic pets who might need special care and attention.

The best exotic pet for you is one that you can keep, and for this to happen, you should know as much as you can, what you need in order to make this happen.

exotic pets care